Background: Cesarean delivery has played a major role in lowering both maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality rates. Rates of cesarean section are of concern to both developed and developing countries. The global Cs rate is distributed very unevenly and results 15% of abdominal delivery. The four most common indications for cesarean delivery include: failure to progress during labor, previous hysterectomy, no reassuring fetal status and fetal mal-presentation. Objective: The study attempts to determine the prevalence, common indications, outcomes and complications of cesarean section in Attat Hospital, Ethiopia.
Methodology: Cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in Attat Hospital, Gurage zone SNNPR, Ethiopia from January/2011–December/2013GC. Data was collected using structured questioners by trained data collectors. The collected data was checked for its completeness, entered, edited, cleaned and analyzed by SPSS Verssion20. Chi- square test, 95% CI and P-value <0.05 were used to examine association between dependent and independent variables.
Result: The prevalence of cesarean section is 27.6%. The age of the patients ranged between 16-45 years with a mean age of 28.12 ± 5.14 years. The leading indications for cesarean birth were, Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD) (38.1%), previous Cs (18.9%), fetal distress (12.5%), mal-presentation and malposition (7.1%), and Antepartum Hemorrhage (APH) (6%) accounting for 82.6% of the indications for cesarean section. Maternal indications constituted 68% whereas fetal indications accounted for 32%.
Conclusion: Cesarean sections performed for appropriate medical or obstetric indications are life saving for both the mother as well as the new born. Therefore to reduce the high prevalence of Cs, each case should be thoroughly evaluated to determine the possibility for vaginal delivery.
Ayano Moges,Beyene Wondafrash Ademe, Geremew Muleta Akessa